Intellectual Property Policy

High Attract specials, has been developing and producing hook baits since the beginning of 2017. A great number of local anglers, collaborators and industry professionals have contributed to producing the unique products that are enjoyed by our customers across the UK and Europe. From Original Specials to Old Faithfuls, High Attract Specials have created iconic hook baits for our customers to enjoy.


As the creator, High Attract Specials owns a number of rights collectively referred to as intellectual property (IP) rights. These include:


Copyrights – This is the exclusive right to produce copies of our creations. It covers our hook baits, product names, artwork, logos, website images and text. It not only covers exact copies but also anything which copies a significant part, typically the most important and unique features.


Trademarks – These are marks (names, icons, symbols and so forth) which identify a product as being produced by High Attract Specials or by an official licensee. Our trademarks already include Mulbs and FSO.




Producing copies of High Attract Specials creations is an infringement of copyright; this includes copying a significant part of our creations. Making hook baits which copy heavily from High Attract Specials, weather it be by descriptions or products is therefore an infringement. Is it instantly recognisable as one of High Attract Specials unique recipes or products? If so, it has likely copied a significant part and is therefore an infringement.


Using High Attract Specials trademarks to name or identify products that were not created by High Attract Specials is an infringement of our trade marks. It is very misleading as it suggests something is a High Attract Specials product when it is not. Please ensure you do not use High Attract Specials trademarks or names either direct or sufficiently similar to cause confusion to the consumer in product titles, category headings, adverts etc.




If you think you have a winning idea and want to make a hook bait, boilie, product range, some merchandise, a video or anything else that you will be distributing (either for free or at a cost) using High Attract Specials IP then you need permission in the form of a license from High Attract Specials.


Reporting to us


If you become aware of an infringement of Hight Attract Specials IP, please drop us an email to:


Please provide as much detail as possible and include links to the infringing material if possible. We appreciate the support of the angling community in helping us to protect our intellectual property, and are extremely grateful for all infringement reports received.


Any queries which we consider to be answered by this IP Policy will not receive a response. We receive a great number of requests and unfortunately cannot respond to them all. We also cannot give you legal advice.


We reserve all rights including the right to change this policy so please check back for any changes.